Online host psychopy experiment
Online host psychopy experiment

How do I figure out what port number I need to input? Do I use the port numbers listed from using “Network Utility” app in the mac? Is it correct that I am supposed to input the IPv4 address of the NetStation machine? Raise Eggog( "unexpected character code returned from server: '%s'" % (code, ) )Įgi.simple.Eggog: unexpected character code returned from server: 'R' "/Users/abc/Documents/PsychoPy/cfv/", line 281, in ns.BeginSession()įile "/Users/abc/Documents/PsychoPy/cfv/egi/", line 804, in BeginSession return self.GetServerResponse()įile "/Users/abc/Documents/PsychoPy/cfv/egi/", line 783, in GetServerResponse When I change the port to another one with a server, it gives me the below: Ns.connect('ipv4 address of the testingmachine ', 'port number of netstation machine') # change/ check by Network Utility?Īnd I get the following error: File "/Users/abc/Documents/PsychoPy/cfv/", line 281, in ns.BeginSession()įile "/Users/abc/Documents/PsychoPy/cfv/egi/", line 799, in BeginSession self._socket.write( message )įile "/Users/abc/Documents/PsychoPy/cfv/egi/", line 58, in write self._connection.write( data )ĪttributeError: Socket instance has no attribute '_connection' 6.9777 WARNING Ms_localtime = egi.ms_localtime # gives local time in ms Import egi.simple as egi # for testing purposes Import os # handy system and path functions Sqrt, std, deg2rad, rad2deg, linspace, asarray)įrom numpy.random import random, randint, normal, shuffle Import numpy as np # whole numpy lib is available, prepend 'np.'įrom numpy import (sin, cos, tan, log, log10, pi, average, STOPPED, FINISHED, PRESSED, RELEASED, FOREVER) from _future_ import absolute_import, division, print_functionįrom psychopy import locale_setup, sound, gui, visual, core, data, event, logging, clockįrom nstants import (NOT_STARTED, STARTED, PLAYING, PAUSED, I have the basic following code below, but I’m assuming I am inputting a wrong IPv4 address or port number for the net station.

online host psychopy experiment

I numbered the summary questions at bottom! So I’m having difficulty establishing connection between the Psychopy running testing machine and the machine with the actual netstation installed. I posted the issue to the PsychoPy forum already, but was wondering if I could get more input from StackExchange.

Online host psychopy experiment